Monday, May 28, 2007

K&L Wine Merchants, Wine, Hollywood, CA

K&L Wine Merchants
1400 Vine Street
Hollywood, CA 90028
(323) 464-WINE (9463)
Hours: Mon-Sat from 10am to 8pm, Sunday from 11am to 6pm.


My girlfriend and I had seen this place when they bought it, and that it was opening as we left the Arclight theaters each time, and had been excited to see it open, and even tried it on the first day. In fact I have been meaning to blog about it for sometime, but just never got around to it (though I did post about some of the wine I got there). This place is fantastic, with a knowledgeable staff, a huge selection, really good prices, and inexpensive wine tastings. Hollywood has really needed someplace like this for sometime, and I am so happy it is here now. Not only that, but the place was recently listed as one of the 10 best online retailers in Food and Wine magazine (June 2007), and is known for it's 2 excellent stores in Northern California, so you can't go wrong shopping here.