Saturday, July 7, 2012

Breville BBM800XL The Custom Loaf Breadmaker


After realizing just how much sodium is in basically every commercial bread you can buy, we decided to get a breadmaker so we could make no sodium bread. Of course I wanted a Breville as their blender and toaster we have are the best I have ever seen! And of course their $250 Bread Machine is no exception!

The BRM800XL Custom Loaf if a kick ass which makes bread making as easy as can be. You can even put in spices or nuts or fruit and it adds them at the proper time while making the dough for proper distribution.

The bread is light and fluffy and quite tasty, even without sodium (though the plain french bread recipe I have from the 500 Low Sodium Recipes book could use some salt, but when I added some fresh basil and rosemary it became perfect).

In about 3 and a half hours you have a fully cooked loaf of bread, and can even set it up and set it on a timer, so you can wake up to fresh bread!

Honestly this thing is great, and far easier than I ever would have expected. Sure the bread can be a little flaky at times, but I need to try different recipes (looking forward to making sourdough) and even using it to make dough for pizza or bagels (which are very high in sodium).

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